Odisha Plus II Exam Results 2024: CHSE To Declare Class 12 Results on May 26

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Bhubaneswar: The Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) has officially announced that the much-anticipated Plus II examination results will be released on May 26. For the first time, the results for all streams—Arts, Science, Commerce and Vocational—will be declared simultaneously.

The announcement will take place at the CHSE office premises in the afternoon. Students eagerly awaiting their results can access them through multiple channels. The primary method is the official website, www.orissaresults.nic.in.

Additionally, results will be available through each student’s high school e-space and Digilocker.

This comprehensive release strategy ensures that all students receive their results efficiently. For further details and updates, students are advised to visit the official CHSE website.