Ex-MLA of Chhatrapur Narayan Reddy Serving Life Sentence Released From Jail On Bail

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Berhampur: CPI leader and former Chhatrapur MLA N Narayan Reddy was released from Berhampur jail on interim bail after 10 months. He was granted interim bail by the Orissa High Court.

In the Reserve Police Inspector Binod Meher murder case, Reddy was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Berhampur ADJ-3 Court. Along with Reddy two other co-accused were also released from the jail on bail.

During a clash between locals and police in 1998 at Sindhigaon over land acquisition for a steel plant by the Tata Steel, inspector Binod Meher was killed. In this incident, a case was filed against Reddy and 21 others.

In July 2023, Berhampur ADJ-3 Court convicted the 22 accused in the case and sentenced them life imprisonment. Nine of the accused persons had died when the verdict was passed by the court. The rest convicts including Reddy were sent to jail.