SAKSHAM-Rayagada demands equal opportunities and facilities at polling stations for Divyangs

Rayagada, (Dr Badal Tah ): General elections are ahead. Both the central and state governments are continuing their efforts to sensitize the public through various means for cent percent voting. In view of this, three demands have been presented to the District Collector, Rayagada for equal opportunities and facilities in the polling centres for the Divyangs in the General Election 2024. A representative team from a national outfit named Samadrishti Kshamata Vikash evam Anusandhal Mandal (SAKSHAM), led by State Secretary Shyam Kumar Dash under the supervision of Dr. Badal Kumar Tah, State Sangrakhyak, presented a memorandum to District Collector Manoj Satyawan mahajan through the District Social Security Officer(DSSO) in the absence of the Collector. SAKSHAM advocates for the empowerment of Dibyangs throughout the country & facilitates the services from Govt and private entities meant for the Persons with Disabilities(PwD) and enables them with PwD Acts & Rules promulgated by several govts including GOI.
To avail equal opportunity, the body has urged the Collector to ensure that persons with disabilities(PwDs) have an equal opportunity to exercise their right to vote. This includes providing accessible information about the electoral process, candidates and issues, in formats that are accessible to individuals with different types of disabilities. The Divyangs must be provided transport to the polling booths from their homes and back.
To have accessibility at polling stations the outfit has demanded to create an accessible environment at all polling stations to facilitate the smooth participation of persons with disabilities, which includes ramps for wheelchair access, tactile paths, appropriate signage, availability of trained staff to assist persons with disabilities at polling stations. Memorandum mentions that the leaders of the PwD associations may be provided with IDs from District Administration to monitor voting process of PwDs in the booths.
The representatives requested the Collector that SAKSHAM, OVM, RBMS be included in any committee formation related to the upcoming General Election in Rayagada District by which they can contribute valuable insights and perspectives to ensure that the electoral process is truly inclusive.
“We believe that an inclusive electoral process will strengthen the democratic fabric of our society and we are committed to working collaboratively with the election authorities to achieve this goal”, said Dr.Tah.
At the time of giving the said memorandum, the state vice-president Ramchandra Sahu, Seva Bharati’s District Secretary Bidya Bhushan Panda, Rayagada District Secretary of OVM Jalendra Bacheli, Divyang Mitra Ajay Rath, Rabindra Patkhandal and Bijay Das were prominently present.