Parala Bar Assn President No More (!)

Paralakhemundi:Renowned Advocate & President oda Paralakhemundi Bar Association,Ramanath Mishra is no more. Yesterday despite all his busy schedule he went for sleep. But unfortunately that was his last sleep. Today morning his tragic death vibrated all corners of Paralakhemundi. Members of Paralakhemundi Bar Association rushed at his residence.He was an undisputed President of Paralakhemundi Bar Association for 25 times. He also associated with various social, spiritual organizations. By his contribution as Cashier of Paralakhemundi Rathayatra Committee successfully contributed for Lord Jagannath Car Festival. Not the least preparation of 3 chariots also monitored by him every year. Besides that for those labourer association he had an empathy for their sufferings to knock at legal point of view. On his death Secretary of Paralakhemundi Bar Association Krushnamohan Patnaik, Ashok Kumar Panigrahi, Swaroop Kumar Palo, Arun Kumar Parida,Bibhutibhushan Patra& all other members of Bar Association,MP Chandrashekhar Sahu, MLA Paralakhemundi KNarayan Rao, MLA Mohana Gamango,ZP President GTRao,BJD President Pradip Nayak,Dr.Tirupati Panigrahi,Basant Dash, Laxmikant Paricha, Jamadar Patnaik, ex-MLA KSurya Rao, Scholar Purnachandra Mahapatra,members of Bhakti Sangeet Sansad, Creative Arts,Jagannath Kalaniketan, members of transport union, Utkal Hiteishini Samaj & members of media Bhagabat Padhi, Garudadhwaja Choudhry, Tarini Prasad Panda, Adarsha Das, Sujit Nayak, Ganesh Raju,Sisir Gauda, Rupesh Kumar Sahu,Dwijen Padhi & others conveyed their grief to departed soul & condolences to bereaved family members.