Block level JRC Counsellors Orientation Programme held at Sunabeda

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Sunabeda,12/09/23:A Block level Junior Red Cross Counsellors Orientation Programme has been organised at Aeronautics DAV High School of Sunabeda.The programme was presided over by Pattangi Block Education Officer T. Minati. Education Officer of Semiliguda Block Chameli Mazumdar the programme as the Chief Guest. ADAV High School Principal Pradeep Kumar Mishra and District Junior Red Cross Officer Jagneswar Panda graced the occasion as the Guests of Honour. Counselors of Semiliguda and Pattangi Blocks were briefed on the biography of founder of Red Cross, origin of Red Cross, origin of Junior Red Cross, need of volunteers in contemporary society and its active functioning at school level.On this occasion, JRC District Resource Person Shaheda Parween highlighted the implementation of Junior Red Cross at the school level while Sujith Kumar Naik informed about disaster management and  Jytharanjan Nanda gave an active discussion on techniques of First Aid. The programme was coordinated by Shaheda Parween while school teacher Amita Roy proposed the vote of thanks.School teachers Sharmishtha Nayak,  Tapswini Rath, Tapas Kumar Mallik, Kshitish Chandra Rana, Keshav Chandra Bhatt, and other staff members cooperated in organising the programme smoothly.