‘Atal Gourav’ and ‘Atal Ratna’ award

Rajesh Mohapatra,Odishabarta
Rourkela:‘Atal Gourav’ and ‘Atal Ratna’ award felicitated in Bhopal to Susanta Behera, Ashok Prasad, Arpita Parida, Ashuotosh Parida and few others in a grand function in Bhopal.
In a grand function in Bhopal of Madhya Pradesh, ‘Atal Gourav and ‘Atal Ratna’ award was felicitated to different personalities of Pan India who have excelled in their respective profession in national and international level. The said award is named after the legendary personality Atal Bihar Vajpayee, the Ex PM of India and been awarded to different personalities to encourage them for their contribution made. Among the recipients of these prestigious award Odisha has contributed many personalities among them from Rourkela the renowned Sports Jounalist, Susanta Behera, Athletic Coach, Ashok Prasad, Athlete Arpita Parida and Ashustosh Parida. In last Augst coach Ashok Prasad and Arpita Parida had felicitated with ‘Atal Ratna’ and now Sports Journalist Susnata Behera, Tushar Tanmaya Swain, Vedika Lal, Salipta Rout, Selverstar Dias. It is indeed a pride moment that awards of such stature was felicitated by cabinet Minister of MP, Biswas Sarnang,Akhilesh Nandkishore Maharj, Tapan Bhoumik, Leader of Opposition Girish Goutam and Sandip Rajak, Commissioner of Bhopal in prsenc of many other top dignitaries. For this splendid achievement different organizations have congratulated them including Sundergarh Distict Athletic Association, Panposh Sports Association, Rourkela Kabadi Association, Veteran Hockey Association, Rourkela Cycling Club, Rourkela Bar Association and few others.