Youth Association of Mohona Caught illegal Transport of Cattle


MOHONA:On dare devil sunlight hours besides night time transportation of cattles are common at Gajapati. Those mafias easily hounded to transport them.But this time they failed, while through a truck(AP39PN8699) 18 cattles were about to be transported, that caught by MKCG youth association of Mohana at college square.They followed through that speed moved truck & strangulated to stop that vehicle.Those were about to be taken to Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.SI of Mohana Krushnachandra Mallick & police team reached at spot and brought Musaraf Khan(38),driver Nawaz Rafeeq(40) and helper Ashiq Khan(42)of Kaipadar from Khurda district. Due to lack of space at collge ground those hungry cattles fed by those youth association members. Later on in presence of those members 4 farmers given those 18 cattles.Under section 41(A) of IPC case registered against them.