YFA on Rally on Electricity Irregular Shut Down


Paralakhemundi:Youth for Action(YFA)of Paralakhemundi steered on mass rally against unauthorized load shedding at Paralakhemundi.Led by President of YFA, Pinniti Kranti,locals joined on rally. Since last few months regular power cut without prior information led traumatic situation when gruelling heat due to lack of rain turmoiled. Moreover by Covid-19 district people punished on their economic stability.

At ward number 1 of Reli street under Sobhagya scheme since last 3 years electric poles installed, but houses yet to be connected. At last demand through memorandum given to TPSODL authority to connect housewise connections. On such rally by YFA, district Vice president KYubraj, Advocate-cum-activist Prasant Kumar Pradhan & local people gathered.