Yesterday’s Paradise Today’s Wage Earner (!).

K.Santosh Patro,Odishabarta

Life filled with grins & guffaws for an woman elected representative.

Berhampur:Served as block Chairperson of Sorada became a crowd puller for Anjana Mallick.Like bolt from blue reigned from a small folk hardly anybody known her. But staked her as Chairperson within night.

Wincing of power she forgot her own family rather mastered for development scenarios. This chucked her after completed her term. Even own family members sealed all affections towards her.Now determined to live alone with all brink as daily wage earner.

Women’s Day pulled her towards reservations to stake number one citizen in block where that seat reserved for tribal candidate as she won as uncontested candidate. Badua village called her Madam too. She used to stay at block quarter that trounced cottage of her own village.From daily collected fuel to moved by 4 wheelers.

Political gimmicks rather turmoil her after lost power. Now a mild citizen to turn up for daily bread.

 Since last 14 years carrying her own life cycle like greasing oil.On her husband’s name got Indira Awas Housing that only an asset. From costly sarees desisted to daily use one to wear.

She felt is it values for honesty where the government which forced her to corner is! She saw those red tapism elected representatives who earned handful on their full term & at ease & all comforts which she missed to store assets during her term. Perhaps that is an apathy to trounce her as wage earner.

Learned too voiceless on her set up which shattered all hopes of smile too stunned to see her hue & cry.