Berhampur:The world “RABIES DAY” was celebrated in the premises of Government Veterinary Hospital Berhampur on Tuesday.
A brief meeting was organised by Odisha veterinary Service Association, Ganjam Chapter in collaboration with Indian Immunological Limited and Ganjam to mark the event.
Joint Director-II Dr. Debaraj Behera graced by the event as chief guest. Veterinary surgeons, namely, Dr. Rabinarayan Panda, ADVO (DC), Ganjam, Dr.Arabinda Behera, SDVO, Berhampur, Dr.Prabhudatta Dash, Dist.Chairman OVSA, Ganjam, Dr.Kiran Kumar Bisoyi, VAS, VH, Berhampur, Dr.Manoj Sadangi DTC, Ganjam and Dr.Asit Kumar Satapathy, AVAS, Rangeilunda joined the celebration and contributed their technical tips to prevent the deadly epidemic that spreads from animals to humans & humans to animals. Addressing the gathering the speakers said that, more than 15000 persons infected by Zoonotic virus locally known as “JALANTANKA” die every year in India.
On the occasion of this day 95 percent of jalantank disease in country is caused due to dog biting. More than 90 dogs were given preventive injection to prevent the Zoonotic virus. Anong others, Veterinary Ambulance Dr.Soumik Swain, Harish Chandra Nahak, Govinda Chandra Patra, Sairam Reddy, Pranaya Prasad Reddy, Santosh kumar Pattnaik, Josnarani Nayak and social activist Lalatendu Choudhury participated.