World Drama Day in Gajapati

Paralakhemundi:On behalf of Tarangaranga & supported by District Culture department world drama day observed at Kabichandra Pathagar. Presided by Natyashri Debendra Das,Nirmala Sethy graced as chief guest.As guests of honor District Culture Officer Archana Mangaraj, Charan Patnaik, Dr. Ajay Kumar Tripathy Principal of SKCGCollege shared on dias. Among others Manoj Padhi, MPruthwiraj & Narasingha Patnaik spoke on this occasion. Speakers highlighted on deemed contributions of Kabichandra Raghunath Paricha whose first drama in state still a controversy but he got highest honor for his Prahlad drama.Still culture & literature filled Paralakhemundi graced few legend dramatists like Manchashri Satyanarayan Panda & others.Just to revive their lucid plays now Creative Arts & others brought on limelight on state & national level by performing dramas & got highest accolades. Adarsha Das,Subhransu Mohan Patnaik & others coordinated the program. Cultural program performed by artists & honored by the guests.