Report;Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi:On behalf of IWD and Alibha Women Federation Women Convention organized at High School ground of Rayagad of Gajapati.Dasarathi Gomanga MLA Mohana attended as Chief Guest on the occasion. Supported by Hunger Project.
MLA Gomango advised to cherish from childhood of disciplines as a role of every elder & parents. So that as female she can lead towards better environment. Further need of unity & Integrity is also a task force on every campaign of women movement to check against atrocities.
Presided over the Meeting Pioneer of IWD Natabar Padhi varied on violence against women on streets & crossroads where they hardly get any support. Even among them as bread earners they have to face Huddles on their daily lives.
Among others Kumari Karjee of Aliva Women Federation, S.Manimala Headmistress of High School,Lady SI of Police Smruti Badajena, Damayanti Sabar Sarapanch of SKaradasing Panchayat, Pitambar Behera ABDO Rayagada spoke on the occasion.Naib Sarpanch Niranjani Misal, Bhagyalaxmi Nayak, Nirmala Patnaik, Rashmirekha Bhadra, Sanyasi Bhuyan & Manaranjan Bisoyi facilitated the program. More than 300 women participated in this campaign.