Wild Tiger near Kashinagar of Odisha-Andhra Border of Gajapati District

Paralakhemundi-At Kashinagar block since last 4 days one wild tiger is moving at the other side of Vanshadhara river of Andhrapradesh at Bhaleri & Meturu villages. Similarly at Odisha region of Budura, Bathaba, Idudi & Kashinagar areas people are on fear. At any time that tiger may enter Odisha bastion by crossing river. Earlier elephants destroyed procured crops.
While interacted with Forest Range Officer of Kashinagar Sudhir Kumar Behera regarding presence of tiger he agreed & about 15 kms at Andhrapradesh near a hill is stating. So he keeps contact with his Andhrapradesh counterpart officers.DFO Gajapati could not be contacted.
This time human lives are on danger. So let Forest department may take stringent measures to protect people what area villagers appealing earnestly.