Why Irregularities on CWC Selection at Gajapati (?)

Paralakhemundi:Recently 17 districts CWC(child Welfare Committee) reformed including Gajapati district. But unfortunately,except, Gajapati district those committee members selected are from local districts.
So severe irregularities found, where among 26 candidates,13 are from Gajapati district & rest from other districts.The recent notification on list of members of Gajapati district only one member from local district choosen & rest from other districts including Chairman of CWC too.
A memorandum, addressed to Collector Gajapati district given and in absence of the Collector the memorandam given through ADM(Revenue)Pradip Kumar Nayak by those expected candidates signatures along with ex-chairman & members of CWC,where educationists too were present. So they firmly demanded to re-visit of selection as Gajapati is backward district. It is found earlier those selected from other districts had least knowledge to carry on grave issues.Moreso their applications of local candidates deceived on selection criterion.Even though absentees on verification of certificates those outreach districts candidates too physically absent,but still they are qualified for the memberships post.So such grave negligence & step brotherly attitude on selection stunned,says ex-Chairman & ex-Member of CWC Binod Chandra Jena & Bhagyalaxmi Nayak respectively.While interacted to ZP President GTRao,he said he will take up this matter in state headquarter.Such irregularities & indiscipline on selection too retorted to take action by some members of Bar Association.