Webinar on ‘Participatory Development: Sociological Reflections

Uttam Nayak,Odishabarta
Koraput:A webinar on ‘Participatory Development: Sociological Reflections and Initiatives’ was held at the Central University of Odisha, Koraput on 21 September 2021 through virtual mode. Visiting Professor of Sociology Prof. P. Durgaprasad spoke on the above subject. Prof. S.K. Palita, Vice-Chancellor I/c. of the University presided over the webinar and delivered the presidential address. He highlighted the objectives of the webinar and said “Participatory development is one of the key parts of ICE (Information, Communication and Education). It empowers and reflects the voice of the people from grassroots. It characterizes ‘bottom up’ approach instead of earlier held view of ‘top down’ approach. Dr. Kapil Khemundu, HoD I/c of Sociology delivered the welcome address and gave a brief introduction of the subject.
Prof. Prasad highlighted the subjective and objective part of the participatory development by citing relevant examples of the society including the mitigation of the problems of migrant laborers in Covid19 pandemic. He said “all branches of social science deal with human life. Livelihood is one of the major areas of the society. Participatory development flows down to the bottom of the society. It involves people in decision making in a democracy”. He emphasized on understanding human reality and knowing the grassroots in participatory development. He said “participatory development can change the life of the people as well as the society. Identifying aspiration districts in the country is a Sociological Reflections and Initiatives’ of the participatory development”.
Dr. Aditya Keshari Mishra, Lecture of Sociology compeered the webinar and introduced the guests. Dr. Nupur Patnaik, Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology extended vote of thanks. Along with large numbers of students and faculty members Prof. Akshay Rout, Prof. K. C. Pradhan, Prof. Raja Rao, Prof. P.K. Jena, Visiting Professors; Dr. Ram Shankar, Controller of Examinations and Dr. Phagunath Bhoi, Public Relations Officer of the University were present on the occasion.
Input;Nishapati Nayak