Way of Vanshadhar Diverted Check Dam Construction not Done
Paralakhemundi- On 1980 massive flood tarnished entire Kashinagar town. Rather that river still a shock for those inhabitants.Due to regular rain movement of the river diverted.Instead both sides need of barage as long demand still novicing.On coming days it will be more docile for assets & human beings.Not even doubtful entire Kashinagar town will be drowned if no action is being taken for harvesting structure construction.
From Kalahandi district Vanshadhara river is the origin that move long 350 kms & mixed with Gotta barage of Andhrapradesh.Rather they are benefitted by irrigation but in Odisha side such barrage is yet to be done.
So citizens eg;Prasant Mishra, Nalinikant Patra, Mina Lenka, VChalpati, Ramprasad Patnaik said need of hours to take up this issue for the benefits of Kashinagar people both for their sustainability of human lives & their assets,also ensure productivity of farmers.