Voluntary Blood Donation Camp organized in Semiliguda College: 54 units of blood have been collected

Sunabeda: On 10/08/23 a Voluntary Blood Donation camp has been organized in Semiliguda College with the joint cooperation of college Youth Red Cross, NSS unit and HDFC Bank. President of College Managing Committee Dr. Pradeep Kumar Behera attended the programme as the chief guest and inaugurated the camp while Principal of the college Nilanchal Acharya presided over the meeting. In his inaugural speech Dr. Behera praised the organizers and encouraged the blood donors for taking such a valiant effort at a time of severe shortage of blood in the Koraput blood bank.
A large number of faculty, staff and students donated blood in the said camp. 54 units of blood were collected from this VBD camp. Among others, Koraput blood bank officer Dr. Madhusudan Baliar Singh, office bearers of senior Citizens Association, social worker Sheikh Ibrahim, bank employee Man Gobind Panda, Banmali Sahu, Sharmishtha Patra, faculty member Dr. Jhansi Singh, Devraj Naik, Harprasad Pati, Geeta Patnaik, Jyotsna Das, Pritish Behera, Ramesh Mallick, Prabodh Mallick, Alok Mohanty and NSS and Red Cross volunteers joined the camp and cooperated in organising the blood camp.The said camp was conducted by NSS Officer Shibashish Patnaik, Basanti Shri and Red Cross Counselor Dr. Bidyut Prabha Raut.