Voluntary Blood Donation Camp Organized by IMFA

Badal Tah,Odishabarta
Therubali, November 13:With a theme of “Donate blood and save life” -a voluntary blood donation camp was organized by IMFA and it’s CSR arm BIPF at Therubali in the premises of Imfa Employee Club at Gopabandhu Nagar.The camp was inaugurated by Therubali Sarapanch Smt.Kamala Hikaka.The camp was managed by the Blood Bank officials and technicians of DHH Hospital, Rayagada. Sri K.V.Rao, VP(Mfg)-FA graced the occasion and encouraged the donors and the organizers as well. Sri Kalol Kumar Naik, DGM, Sri.Swarup Naik, Sr.Managrer(PNL), Manager Security and staff of IMFA medical joined the camp and motivated all donors. Local dignitaries .Namely Sri Jagadish Mahapatra, Sri Ashok Hikaka ,Social Worker Sri Radhasyam Panda attended the camp and lauded the efforts of IMFA. The camp was facilitated by Sri Sakti Panigrahi, Sr.Manager(PR) and team PR. The instructor of Tailoring Center and the trainees , security personnel served as volunteers to make the program a grand success. A total no of 56 units of blood was collected at the time when the blood bank facing non availability of blood. Local tribal youths and employees of IMFA have donated blood voluntarily as certified voluntary blood donors.