Utkal Sammelani Condemned on A.P Streaming Education & Natural Resources at odisha belt

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi: Despite looting resources like land,water & forest vehemently by Andhra Pradesh government now paralyzing education at their stake.
On their vociferous encroach at Odisha region bonds like Gudikhudi,Hadubhangi, Venkatapuram,Nalabantu and other such villages captive role by AP government says retd.Administrator cum Utkal Sammelani Vice President of Odisha,Purnachandra Mahapatra.
Under Hadubhangi revenue circle a school plot based since 1974.This plot is in the name of Maharaja Krushnachandra Gajapati. Similarly at Gangabada Panchayat of Gudikhudi village AP government constructed water harvesting structure for irrigation. That was an issue during ex-CM Biju Patnaik regime.
Surendranath Nayak the then Revenue Minister visited the controversial area. Later Biju Patnaik discussed with his counterpart N.T.Ramarao and reached at compromise. Andhra government had to pay compensation on their unethical project structure but so far payment yet to be made.Crores of dues still pending which Odisa government yet to get compensation. Those ayacut areas are under Andhra government & enjoying every rights of natural resources where Odisha side land deprived of irrigation source.
At Cherukudi revenue circle 12 landless families yet to get their rights to teal land.
Mahapatra demanded farming rights to those deprived families to keep dignity of Odisha legal entity. Among others retd. Teachers, educationists Gourachandra Panda and Binod Chandra Jena were present.