Unprecedented Storm Succumbed an Youth at Rayagad

Paralakhemundi-Recently untimely storm acted as bewitch at Gajapati district.Where at Santundi village under Rayagada block & police limits;one youth named Juria Bhuyan(30),son of Gourahari Bhuyan faced his fate to spoil his life. He went to collect mangoes from mango farm & suddenly faced turmoil tremor & fallen down. Villagers brought him to nearest CHC at Rayagada. Doctor declared him dead. His family is now on aggrieved situation,as parents lost their eldest son.Rayagada police seized the body & started investigation.Moreso storm havoced casualties,where at various places in Paralakhemundi town, Ranipentha & other places trees fallen,where electricity & drinking water services disrupted at Paralakhemundi town supply.