Training on Women Empowerment & Social Audit by SCDO Orgn.

Paralakhemundi-On behalf of SCDO(Society & Community Development Organization) sensitization on women empowerment & social audit supported by Ekta Foundation,held at Rotary Club conference hall.Presided by President of SCDO Sunil Kumar Patnaik,among guests Diptirekha Patnaik & Rabi Maharana Founder & MD of Ekta Foundation respectively, Janna Subas Rao, Bichitrananda Bebarta state awarded teacher, Bhagabat Padhi former Director of Adults Literacy,KYuvraj,Mamata Padhi graced on dias. Speakers highlighted on emerging skills of women to come forward on their socio-economic rights to merge with men.They can excel their spirit on self livelihood by engaging on resources mobilizations.Local resources like maize, horticulture fruits processing forest produced crops & on their marketing can stand themselves.Ekta Foundation,too, guaranteed them on all skill development training to empower financially.Besides that on decisions making they have significant role, where scopes behind them as PRI Mmembers from our 73rd & 74th Constitution amendment, where at centre 33℅ & in our state 50℅ reservations guaranteed for women on PRI (Panchayatiraj Institution).More than 250 women among SHGs attended.Among others Lingaraj Panigrahi also spoke on the occasion.Vote of thanks given by Sunil Kumar Patnaik President of SCDO.