TPSODL Power Supply Company Playing “Chor-Police” During Pick time of Covid-19 in Berhampur

Manoj Kanta Dash, Odishabarta

Berhampur: The unpredictable power supply adds to summer woes with Covid Lahar-2 in Ganjam the residents of Berhampur Municipal area and its peripherals are  continue to face hard times due to unscheduled power cuts average 15 times per day especially in Berhampur city area wise. Officials managed to escape with sweet words like repair power lines, failure of GRID, Major repair, major break down,failed to provide stabled electricity.

Mainly at the pick time of Corona pandemic they do not hesitate of frequent power cut in city the situation has made life of people miserable.

They must realise by making frequent power cut also disrupting water supply in many parts of the city as keeping in view to control the Covid patients.

The Collector Ganjam worried and every day opening new Covid care Centres at different corner of the city Oxygen fitted bed to bring balancing the Covid Spike. Hundreds of patient admitted at different hospital and all top ranked district administrators roaming hospital to hospital for taking stock of the situation.

One of top ranked officer stating and said “Better to talk with Wall” instead of the executives of TPSODL, they are just playing “Chor-Police” game with the innocent public(!).

Load shedding or technical issue the consumers have all right to know or else give us un-interrupted power supply. Saying in his comment “I don’t want to state any untold words”(!).

 Moreover, during shot down and to stay to abide the norms of Covid is now a good experiencing to “Stay Home – Stay Safe” and today people understand well what is the cost of their Life.

Apart of these kind of small games sometimes it experiencing four to six hours of power cut as repair work had been carried out. Similarly,with summer season at its peak,

 Common man saying “We lived for 4/5 hours without electricity by default  but every day there is power cut for three to four hours in the Morning,Mid-Day,Evening,Night and late night”.

Meanwhile, in recent past the State emerges from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government directed the utilities to ensure uninterrupted quality power supply. The Chief Secretary also directed the Odisha Hydro Power Corporation (OHPC) to explore the possibilities of producing more hydro power from existing dams having no submergence, land acquisition and displacement issues.

Hence, people of all community appeal to TPSODL to be committed because today those have admitted in different Hospitals some of them are your friends, staff members, relatives.