Rajesh Mohapatra,Odishabarta
ROURKELA: On Sunday was a black Sunday for the people of Rourkela. Three students from Deepika English Medium School were drowned in the river while they were on a picnic. There were nine students had participated that picnic near Koel river near Kerketa Ghat where any parent were ignored about this. Student who had lost lives are Bhupesh Prasad, Near Ambagaon, Sujan Sharma of Chhend and Kaushik Mallick of Sector-5. Eyewitness said all these students were playing inside the water by throwing plastic bottles like balls and got drowned in the water while they were trying to collect the bottle in deep water.
Locals have rescued one student who was fortunate but failed to save other three. Two bodies among the three were recovered on Sunday only and today one body named Kaushi Mallick was recovered.
Bisra police has seized all the bodies and been sent to morgue in Rourkela Govt. Hospital. Till this afternoon postmortem was not conducted hence, bodies were in RGH. Family members of all these three students are in deep shock. Many parents have gathered near the houses of all three victims and shock wave was all where. Last year also there were few deaths due to drowning, parents and many intellectuals are feeling that local administration is not taking due steps to stop this type of accidents. But a large chunk of people are on view that parents should be cautious enough to control their children and picnic should be conducted in presence of senior guardians or teachers. Moreover, students should not be allowed near the river at any cost. Local people of the river banks of Koel also suggest this. Corona has somehow restricted many picnics in the area because people do not want to go out and as such restrictions were there previously by the administration because of corona.
A deep thought should be given by everyone for the betterment of students who are indeed the future of this country, should not lose their lives like this.