The Odisha Society of the Americas (OSA) hosts ‘Odisha Public Library Conference 2024’

Bhubaneswar :The model of today’s public libraries has been transformed significantly to meet the needs in terms of information, knowledge & public utilities.Apart from the bouquet of books & computers with internet connectivity, they have truly become community resource centers.The implementation of such modern libraries across Gram Panchayats can help achieve a socioeconomic growth of Odisha, which was the centerstage of discussion at the ‘Odisha Public Library Conference 2024’.
The Odisha Society of the Americas (OSA), under its Odisha Public Library Initiative (OPLI) organized the 1-day conference on Sunday at Bhanja Kala Mandap, Bhubaneswar. Pravati Parida, Deputy Chief Minister & Prithviraj Harichandan, Minister Law & Excise Department, Government of Odisha appreciatedthe efforts of OSA for pursuing this initiative.
“Library plays an imperative role in expanding the knowledge horizons of students, youth and the community.So, by rebuilding reading habits among the stakeholders can ensure efficient utilization of library infrastructure.We can fulfill this vision through the collaborative efforts involving everyone,” says Pravati Parida.
Taking part in various sessions at the program Leena Mishra, President OSA, emphasized on the benefits of modern libraries across rural locations.While informing the audience on the steps being taken by OSA upon the subject she appealed the state government to consider the vision of setting up advanced libraries across district headquarters, blocks & gram panchayats of Odisha.
While interacting at the event Prithviraj Harichandan affirms that,”The proposal by OSA of establishing modern public libraries at rural Odisha is welcome.The state government can provide necessary support to realise the cause. However, as the first step we can pursue the MLAs to utilise their Local Area Development (LAD) funds to set up modern libraries atvarious blocks. Having modern libraries at the Gram Panchayat level can be a step considered later.”So, he advised OSA officials to prepare a blueprint on a model library which can be the reference point for further discussion.
On the occasion two technical sessions were held titled ‘Modern Public Libraries in Odisha as Economic Engines’ & ‘Roles to Play in building a Knowledge Society in Odisha’. During the discussions, Nishikanta Sahoo, Chair & Dr Ajay Mohanty, Co-Chair,OSAOdisha Public Library Initiative, presented various insights and prospects on the topic.
Eminent persons who spoke at the technical sessions include Dr Sruti Mohapatra, Disability Activist & CEO Swabhiman, Nilambar Rath, Editor & CEO OdishaLIVE, Dr Debilal Mishra, Faculty Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Ravenshaw University, Prasana Kumar Dash, Founder Prafulla Pathagar, Dr Sujit Kumar Mohapatra, Founder Bakul Foundation & Nalini Patnaik, Board Member OSA Odisha Public Library Initiative.
Pranab K Pani, Member OSA Odisha Public Library Network anchored the event. Among others Dr Damodar Acharya, Former Director Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur& Professor Baman Parida, Former HoD Library Science, Utkal University participated in the event.
The program was attended by policy makers, educationists, media, library founders along with academicians and professionals from library science.
Various states in India have already established modern public libraries at rural level. During this conference, OSA officials highlighted how Karnataka has managed to set up over 6,000 libraries as an example of harnessing these resource centers for promoting the future knowledge society.