Dhiramohan Ray,Odishabarta
TALCHER:The fifty-two years old TTPS /NTPC , a profit oriented central Government owned power plant is going to be closed due to lapse of environmental clearance by state and union Govt. on 31st Dec. 2020. In the mean time the biggest labour union of the country, INTUC has come forward and objected not to close the old plant before commencement of the new one as the old Thermal power Station is producing electricity to serve the entire Odisha state.
In a press meet the national leader of INTUC and Ex. M.P. Ramachandra Khuntia told here at TTPS in the campus of INTUC office that so many industries and captive power plants are running although these have completed 50 /60 years, why this TTPS power plant which is producing and supplying satisfactory energy to the benefit of the Odisha people it’s a question mark for us??It is very simple to understand, due to the quarrel between the state and central Government, now the common people of Angul Dist. as well as people of Odisha going to loose their livelihood through salaries and wages, education, health and drinking water, sanitation etc. This is the time for each and everyone should feel the fact and analyze the future of the locality he added.
This Talcher Thermal Power Station (TTPS) was established in the year 1964 and was running under the supervision of Odisha state government, afterwards it was a loss making organization, for that in the year 1995 it was handed over to the NTPC management, from that day this power sector is now a profitable one. The plant also awarded by Honorable President of India for producing above 112 percentage of P L F.
If this TTPS /NTPC power plant will be stopped its production by beginning of 2021,in the upcoming new year above 2 thousand contractual laborers’, 1 hundred ninety executives, 1 hundred sixty employees will be influenced directly and land austere, shop keepers, contractors will be highly influenced indirectly. Two schools and one hospital are running under the management of TTPS / NTPC , all the involvements will be suffered a lot. Minimum 25 thousand peripheral villagers will be influenced by closure of this plant. Before construction of the new plant, why the management and central Govt. are very much interested is not coming to the lime light and what’s their inner intension to close the profitable power sector makes a question mark in mind of common people, said central youth Secretary of INTUC Bishnumohan Rath.
Among others Odisha State President of INTUC Ram Chandra Khuntia, Vice President Madanmohan Dhal, Angul District INTUC president Digambar Gadanayak, District Congress President Biplab Jena, NirmalSamal, Paresh Jena, SatyanandaSahu, Susant Samal, Rajkishore Sahoo, Paresh Ch. Kunar, Arabind Mishra, Bimbadhar Samal, Anjan Sahoo were participated. If this humanitarian issue will not be solved within this week, the state INTUC will arrange agitation till the fulfillment of their demand, they threatened.