
Paralakhemundi- Teachers appointed by SSB(Service Selection Board) of Government Women’s Higher Secondary School are on strike. They worn black badge since Teachers Day & performing their duties.With all responsibilities they resolve their main demands eg, to increase grade pay 4600 to 5400 with arrears since 2016.By the blessings of Chief Minister since 2016 by SSB they are appointed in backward districts. They performed successfully on written & interview, also as addition with PHD degree. But they are casually getting grade pay like PGT teachers. So since last 8 years they are getting less pay, which to be revised. With NET, MPhil & PHD degree they are deprived of their grade pay. Drought of teachers could be mitigated by their appointments.

They are too performing they quality teachings to ensure 100℅ results. So they requested Chief Minister to revise their grade pay or else they will continue to hold black badge till their demands successful. On a press meeting district President Dr. Mahendra Raita,Vice President Sophia Mandal, Dr. Nrushingha Panigrahi  & Dr. Rasmiranjan were present. SSB Appointed Teachers on Strike