SOP for Strict Implementation of Covid with appropriate Behaviour to avoid any Spike in Ganjam

Chatrapur,(Ganjam):Alarmed by spike in Covid-19 cases in some states, Ganjam district administration on Saturday issued a set of standard operating procedure (SOP) vide the release No-160/Covid,20/02/21 for strict implementation of Covid appropriate behaviour to prevent further surge in the positive cases in the district.
Strict Adherence of Covid Appropriate behaviour to be maintained and implemented in crowed places such as market, religious institution, all public/private offices and institutions, Collector Vijay Amruta Kulange said in a letter.
Staff attending offices must wear face mask, ensure hand sanitisation in the entrance of the offices, maintain social distances among the staffs and public visiting offices. The head of the office will ensure 100% Covid appropriate behaviour at his/her office, the letter read.
The SOP further stated that mask checking points to be setup all blocks and ULBs by the respective Tahsildars /EOs/BDOs with help of IIC for strict enforcement of mask usage at these check points.
Other SOPs issued by the district administration are:
Adequate testing levels should be maintained as per guideline. Sub-Collectors to monitor the daily swab collection progress in close coordination with BDOs. Advance strategy formulation to be ensure on a daily basis to identify new sources of infection. 5. Active contact tracing and travel history of all COVID +ve cases to ensure by BDOs & Superintendents of CHCs.
ASHA, AWW & ANMs are instructed for early identification and referral for testing of suspected Cases.
Vendors and Shopkeepers in the Market places of NACs/Towns shall be adhered strict Covid appropriate behaviour. If any shopkeeper found violating Covid Appropriate will be taken strict action against them.
A ‘Letter of Appeal’ from senior officers to be distributed to all the shopkeepers and vendors in the marketplace to follow the Panchasutra guidelines.
An Appeal Letter will be printed from CMRF for all household.
Covid Safe Certification’ of Shops in the marketplace to be ensured in all ULBs.Strict adherence Cat-id Appropriate Behaviour in Public & Private Transport Services to be maintained. All the Staffs as well as the public travelling must wear Mask and unnecessary overcrowded in /private transport services will not be allowed. The Enforce Team of Check points are authorised to take action against the violators.