Skill Contribution of PHED Paralakhemundi

Paralakhemundi: Timely venture ahead of paryling heat summer Public health division(PHED)of water supply from Mahendratanaya river, set up to supply drinking water to more than 50000 inhabitants of Paralakhemundi. Public lauded such adventurous skill of PHED staff.
Ahead of summer when water level gradually deceding Addl.Executive Engineer Swagat Nayak, took all initiatives by digging through JCB machine near Basant Nivas palace and could stabilize water level & fullfill needs of water supply to Paralakhemundi town. Not only rise of water level but also meeting to supply 7 million litres of water supply.
According to Nayak there are 150 stand points at urban zone to help 9000 households. Due to severe heat need to dig trench to fulfil people’s meet. He assured there will be no more problem further. Still ahead of expectations of wild heat people may face scarcity of drinking water. May be one or two rainfall may be helpful to balance water level he hopes. Still all vigil action taken as steady movement not to face scarcity of water supply.His deemed efforts accolade by people of Paralakhemundi.