
Berhampur: Sept 18: As part of the crackdown on middlemen (Dalalas’)on Sept 18th (Tuesday at 11.30Berhampur police disguised as Patients and continued to turn heat on brokers in MKCG Hospital,Berhampur,as many as 6 brokers have been arrested from the Hospital campus in the city. Above 15 police staffs were deployed under the instruction of the Superintendent of Police with civil dress like labour class, daily wages mazdoor before all departments inside the campus.
During the drive SP personally engaged with SDPO,(City),Rajiblochan Panda and Ramchandra Murmu ,IIC BN Pur Police station and SI I/C of Medical OP on spot.
Among the accused, all have been identified. During interrogation all have confessed. They were working as brokers of private hospitals to sent patients on a commission basis. They were allegedly motivating the patients and their attendants to get admitted at private hospitals.
While addressig to scribe the Superintendent of Police ,Berhampur Dr Saravana Vivek,M. said,In the past few days repeated complaints were received from general public and patients coming to MKCG that some Dalals were taking patients who come for treatment at MKCG to outside Labs , scan centres , medical stores and even hospitals for BSKY treatment. On Tuesday a 15 member Police team was formed. Police personnel disguised as patients and went to OPD counters , Pathology lab, Radiology department and medical stores and behaved like patients looking out for Dalas. The police team nabbed six culprits who were inducing the people coming to MKCG, MCH, Berhampur to get their treatment at Private clinic and Hospitals, medical stores and scan centres. They were misguiding people saying that there is no facility at Govt Hospital for better treatment and if the patient wished for better treatment at MKCG, MCH, Berhampur the culprits were collecting money from the relatives of the patients for providing the free service of the Government at MKCG, MCH, Berhampur also.Total six accused persons are arrested and forwarded to the court. Investigation is continuing. Police team will be deployed to keep a watch on Dalas.The drives against “dalals” is a continuous process in other Govt.hospitals under the police district, he added.