Sinking of Corruption Perception Index of India is a Cause of Worry

DELHI: It is indeed a cause of worry for India where its Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has slipped to 86th position for the year 2020 from earlier 80th position in global ranking of 180 countries in latest report published by Transparency International with score of just 40 out of 100. No improvement is noted in terms of corruption even after change in regime in India in the year 2014 when India even after tough steps like of currency-demonetisation. Goal of Indian government should be to touch ranking of honest countries like Denmark and New-Zealand with score of 87 each with New-Zealand once even getting 95 points in earlier some year.
India is known for conducting luxurious study-tours on public-expense in name of national or public interest. Study-team should be sent to least corrupt nations to study ways to minimise corruption. A high-powered autonomous Commission should be formed to suggest ways to make India compete with most honest countries of the world, with an authority to implement at its own without needing any direction from the government. This is not impossible because corruption-level went sharply down in emergency-era of 1975-76 because of fear psychology developed in minds of corrupt ones at that time. Presently Electoral Bonds have contributed the most in lowering of Honesty-Index for India. These should be made perfectly transparent.
Indian government should follow ideals of former President late Dr APJ Abdul Kalam who considered gifts and tips as polished form of bribe. Rather than banning tips, Indian government encouraged by suggesting voluntary tipping rather than restaurants imposing unethical service-charge in their bills. Festival-gifts used as polished bribes should be altogether banned with only specified relations permitted to present gifts in family-functions. Maximum profit-percentage should be fixed between ex-factory price and Maximum Retail Price to reduce bribe-index. Strict-most steps to curb currency-circulation should be taken including imposing monthly withdrawal from banks by individuals.