Shri R S Gopalan , Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Labour & ESI Deptt has inaugurated Industrial Safety & Accident Prevention at NTPC Kaniha

Talchar , (Odishabarta) Safety Seminar on “Industrial Safety & Accident Prevention” was organized at NTPC Kaniha Premises on 22.03.2024. This program was organized by Directorate of Factories & Boilers, Govt of Odisha in association with M/s Institute of Quality and Environment Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
More than 300 participants of various industries of Angul and Dhenkanal District participated in the program.
Shri. AK Sehgal, Head of Plant of NTPC Kaniha welcomed all distinguished guest and thanked the Directorate of Factories & Boilers, Govt of Odisha for choosing NTPC-Kaniha as the venue to host the safety seminar in NTPC Kaniha which will increase the sensitivity towards safety by industry professional.
Shri R. S. Gopalan, IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Labour & ESI Deptt., Odisha was the Chief Guest, who joined virtually and address the gathering with giving inputs of fatal accident statistics and various accident prevention measures taken by the Directorate of Factories & Boilers, Govt of Odisha, and Shri. Sudip Nag, Regional Executive Director, NTPC Ltd (Eastern Region I&II) also joined virtually and gave his thoughts on the importance of safety in industries.
Shri. Niranjana Jena, Deputy Secretary, Labour & ESI Deptt along with Dr. Malay Kumar Pradhan, Deputy Director Factories & Boilers (Safety), Bhubaneswar were also present during the program and enlightened the importance of safety with changing times.
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Behera, Deputy Director Factories & Boilers, Angul Division, coordinated the program along with his team comprising Shri Manoja Kumar Mishra, Assistant Director Factories & Boilers, Angul, Zone-I and Shri. Madhab Chandra Mallik, Assistant Director Factories & Boilers, Angul, Zone-II.
Various renowned faculties from IQEMS gave lecture on subject matter like Mental Stress, Behavioral, Safe workplace for Women and other safety topics which was highly appreciated by all the participants.
The program was ended with Vote of thanks given by Shri Ch. Satya Rama Krishna , GM(O&M) in which he also appreciated the program and said such program is need of hour time to meet golden “Zero Harm” target.