SHG Member Aired to Singapore

Paralakhemundi-A scope given to grassroots women by Gajapati district administration to acclimatize their knowledge dimension. So from Subalada panchayat of RUdayagiri block, Maa Mangala SHG,who showed their apt skill energized to elevate their knowledge, given scope to visit Singapore.Secretary of that group Kanchan Kumari Nayak will visit on 1st June with 10 different group members of 10 other districts of the state. This will enhance & broaden their knowledge inputs. Collector Gajapati, Lingraj Panda felicitated Kanchan for her visit. This will rise their grip in marketing strategy to use local resources. Moreover their socio-economic status too will be enhanced. Among others Chief Development Officer cum Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad Romanchal Khamari, Distry Mission Shakti Coordinator Rashmi Ranjan Sethy, DCPO Arun Kumar Tripathy with all members of Maa Mangala SHG were present.