Sensitization on Cleanliness & Hygiene

Paralakhemundi-At Padmanabha Government UP School a sensitization program organized on behalf DHH(district head quarter hospital). Presided by Headmistress JNarmada Kumari Dash, CDMO Dr. Pradip Kumar Patra & DMO Dr. Pramod Kumar Panda graced as Chief Guest & Guest of Honor respectively. Students of the school sensitized on neat sanitation, hygiene, cleanliness. Further they are imparted on water & sanitation to keep regular cleanliness. To avoid from polluted environment where infection due to waterborne & airborne diseases deteriorate health. So fresh air, bacteria promoted by using polluted water, good habits on periodical times are such core informations shared to the participants for all precautions & preventions. Further they advised to plant trees, use of masks, regular handwashing & keeping good environment will produce good health & restore climate changes. Competitions held among students where Soumya Mohanty & KRamcharan of both 8th std declared winners & honored with citation by guests. Puspanjali Behera & other teaching staff with Silon Kumar Sahu of DHH coordinated the program.