Sensitization Against Superstition & Blind Belief by Dist. Admn.

Paralakhemundi-On behalf of Gajapati district administration a sensitization against superstition & blind beliefs that sometimes turmoil a family & even streaming over expences.So to rescue from such rotten situation, presided by Collector Gajapati Lingraj Panda among others Chief Development Officer cum Executive Officer Romanchal Khamari, PA ITDA Phalguni Majhi, ADMO MKBhuyan graced on dias. As resource resource person Banchanidhi Durga,State Monitoring & Evaluation Officer presented through PPT on significance to abstain from such bilnd beliefs & superstitions.
Flashes on ignitable motivation to demotivate innocent persons that causing ill health & even death too. So to eclispe such superstitions every family must be cautious from such candid beliefs. Whoever propagating such vicious things they will be scanned under perview of law. They can be arrested 1 to 3 years with penalty of ₹5000 & even further continued they will be imprisoned 3 to 7 years with ₹10000 fine. So people must not deviate such jovial life risk from such blind beliefs. All CDPOs, Medical Officers, DCPO Arun Kumar Tripathy,ICDS Supervisers, Police Officers,NGO representatives, students, Bikas Meher Action Aid Coordinator attended the sensitization meeting.