Seminar on India’s Nuclear Policy at SKCGCollege

Paralakhemundi- A seminar on India’s Nuclear Policy organized at SKCGCollege.Dr. Amiya Kumar Paricha,an alumni of this college, graced as speaker. He shared his views on Nuclear Policy on global level how third world sufferings globally an indicator of super power world. Dominance of America since post second World War,where hazardous of 6 lakhs killing at Japan still a reflection to stand now on non prolific treaty. India on the other hand had all muscular significant since Geneva Peace Accord but portrayed for peace during Vajpayee regime to prove & utmost recognition of nuclear power to balance war & peace.China,single handedly outfit as dragon next to America & Russia but yet to build its recognition to produce peace & sovereignty.
This no doubt as a challenge but gimmick still a challenge by India to outfit among global scene on nuclear pace. Quantissence thoughts on global meeting to converge yet not successful due to variances. So time arises to stick national security on one side & standforth national sovereignty too. From Nehru to Modi regime so far challenges beckoned one after another for India but a stellar role on nuclear power role & dominance among those powerhorse still brewing. So let this not set aside nor to take evasive concern on security of every nation,which India has her vigil stand to act as watch dog round the clock.Quarries by participants answered by Retd. Professor of Berhampur University Dr. Paricha.Presided by Principal Dr. Ajay Kumar Tripathy among others Prof. JNPatnaik, Dr. Sd. Rehman, Dr. BNDas shared on dias.