Selfish Cattle Owners- Cattle on Road – Silent BeMC in Berhampur (!).

Manoj Kanta Dash,Odishabarta

BERHAMPUR: All the city road and highways have become unsafe for cattle grazing, bovine and always moving on the road, but no authority have taken action against the cattle owner and have impose the violation of municipal act according to cattle and animal moving on the road and streets urban Berhampur Municipal area (!).

Now it is one of the most common problems in the city and adjoining area. Everywhere cattle’s look in every corner of the City. Unfortunately, after the cow owners and cow boys are collecting milk from their cows but they couldn’t safely keep their cattle as well as they don’t feel to recall they are the custodian of their own domestic cattle’s (?).

Regular they have been left their cows on the road. As a result, it may occur unlikely create road accident so to say every day. No one can take any responsibility regarding the moving cattle’s. Some cow owners don’t use their cow-shed.

The city road have now become common shelters for bullocks, as a result when the issue is  converted to serious traffic problems, everyday road accidents mainly at Engineering School Junction,Courtpeta,Komapallii and Haladiapadar are mostly accident prone zones.

Some activities are being alleged regarding this situation but neither administration is yet now looking about the matter and nor putting any fine and legal action against to the cow owner (?).

This may underline, Citizen of the city are witnessed in year 2019 the municipal authority introduced tagging of cows, buffaloes to keep them off from city road in Berhampur Mahanagar with 11 digit special identity code. The project was introduced with joint venture of Berhampur Municipal Corporation and department of Animal Husbandry, was inaugurated by Municipal Administrator cum District Collector Vijay Amruta Kulange on 1st July at Haridakhandi in Ward No-1. The tagging process continued till August. Apart of the above The BeMC also started an awareness drive but today the entire process is in vein (?).Today Cows on middle of the road , the owner are violating the BeMC guidelines and the enforcement wing of BeMC is in deep sleep (?).

President of the Goseba Organisation and animal lover Lalatendu Choudhury, sought and demanded the cow owner should Keep safely their cattle in their cow-shed and don’t leaving them on the city road and to avoid the unnatural  accidental death of Cows(!).

The violation of municipal cattle act should be imposed on punishable against the violation of cow owner otherwise why the city dwellers are being unnecessary facing difficulties (?), today it’s a burning issue he added.

Further, Choudhury said this situation have had neglected by the municipality administration and lack of their attention in view of, now the cattle owners are disobey the municipal rules and openly violating nature of law. Hence, we look in the matter seriously and kindly take serious action against the cow owners immediately and obliged the matter regarding.