Self Crematorium Constructed by Old Couple to Bury after Death

Paralakhemundi:Hardly heard of such astonished preparation of self crematorium when a person is alive. But it is true at an interior village named Souri of Nuagada block of Gajapati district. Old couple named Laxman Bhuyan & his wife Jengi Bhuyan more than 80s decided to be cremated after their death on their own made crematorium place.
They have no dependancies for their children. Parents of 2 sons & a daughter well placed after marriage.Both sons are living separately. At their fading age this couple earn from hillslope whatever millets that helping their living. They have also 2 cows. From earning of millets & selling those cattles they started fullpledged construction of their own crematorium place with concrete roof. They are suspicious whether they will be dependent so aloof their children from such burden of caring old parents they took such drastic step for their own graveyard. With an income of 1.5 lakhs from millets & cattle selling they constructed well furnished 2 individual crematorium places for them.Near that constructed crematorium Laxman’s parents crematorium also placed. So they Laxman round the clock acting as watch dog for completion of the crematorium place.2 separate marvel plates also there to cover them after their death.Still he is determined to complete his task for completion of crematorium ground.Their nephew Rajesh Bhuyan & Titas Raita said near their parents crematorium place they will be buried after their demise. This indeed a bond & affection for them. This caused hue & cry among villagers to see such unusual crematorium place when a person is alive.