School Locked by Villagers (!)
Paralakhemundi- At Pottar of Rayagada block since long days teacher post of Sanskrit is lying vacant. As a result the villagers locked the school main gate. Rather on alternative other teachers teaching Sanskrit which annoyed villagers. Moreover villagers & SMC Members met with DEO of Gajapati district who assured to fill the post within a week & also met with Collector who too assured to fill the post. But they failed on their assurances. So villagers on angered to lock the school till the post filled up. Now school converted into 5T but outside publicity like hoarding marked where as to bring quality education no attempts done to fill the required teacher. On retrospect Headmistress Jayanti Bhuyan said that since long days teacher for Sanskrit is lying vacant & now all teaching staff stranded out side due to lock of school. ABEO of Rayagada block said that by Monday the post will be filled up.