Saheed Laxman Nayak Competitive Examination Centre launches class for 1st batch of Civil Service aspirants at Semiliguda.

Nishapati Nayak,Odishabarta
Koraput:Most awaited regular classes for the 1st batch of Civil Service aspirants at Saheed Laxman Nayak Competitive Examination Centre at Semiliguda launched today, 25 August 2023. Prof. Chakradhar Tripathi, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of the University, conveyed his best wishes and congratulated all trainees/students who are going to be part and portion of this program on behalf of the CUO family. He believes in the process of our nation-building, the Saheed Laxman Nayak Competitive Examination Centre, Semiliguda, will play an important role in producing good bureaucrats and trained human resources. He acknowledged the great efforts taken by all the members of the District Mineral Foundation, all the MLAs, Koraput, the District Collector, and his entire team for coming forward and taking this noble initiative.
Sri Raghuram Padal, Hon’ble, MLA, Koraput and Chairman, District Planning Board, Koraput; Sri Pritam Padhy, MLA, Pottangi; , Sri Prabhu Jani, Hon’ble MLA, Laxmipur; Shri Jhina Hikka, former MP Koraput, Madam Susmita Meleka, President Zilla Parishad Koraput; Dr. Rajendra Patra, Chairman Sunabeda Municipality; Ms Ritu Kanta, Vice-Chairperson, Sunabeda Municipality; Shri Ramesh Chandra Majhi, Chairman, Special Development Council, Koraput; Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Semiliguda Block; Shri Abhinav Sonkar, IPS, Superintendent of Police, Sri Gaurav Shivaji Isalwar, IAS, Chief Development Officer cum Executive Officer, Zillaparishad, Koraput, and Sri Saumya Ranjan Pradhan, IAS Probationary Officer and DMF Nodal Officer; Shri Somanath Pradhan, OAS, Addl. District Magistrate; Shri Ramesh Chandra Pradhan, SDC, Koraput Prof. N. C. Panda, Registrar in-charge; Prof. Sudhendu Manadal, Adviser Academic; Dr. Prashant Meshram, Controller of Examinations; Dr. Phagunath Bhoi, Public Relations Officer, Dr. Manas Kumar Mallick, Dr. Chandra Khemundu along with new trainees/students were present and spoke on occasion. They hoped the centre would produce good numbers of civil servants for the country.
Dr. Kapila Khemundu, Associate Professor and Course Director of the Centre, delivered the welcome address. Shri Bhagaban Patia, Dr. Chandra Khemundu, Shri Nabin Garada, and Sri Purna Khilla organized the programme.