
COVID -19 is the greatest threat globally and media has a big role in dealing with this news and to bring all information to the common people as well as to the Govt. bodies looking after medication and prevention issues for the common people.
In the perspective, journalists’ role is all important and he/she has to take enough precautions while taking info or reporting, let it be on field or off the field.
A saying is there, ’prevention is better than cure’. Hence, these guidelines say, always try to cover news and not become news.
All important guideline is detailed here for common information;
We have the major responsibility on our shoulder to keep our self and our family and society safe in general.Always wash your hands as often as you can with soap for at least for 20 seconds. If there is no water, then uses wipes or use a sanitizer (containing at least with 60% Alcohol). Also don’t forget to sanitize your phone, booms, mics, camera and other items you carry for reporting. Keep a steady distance, at least six feet away while a Minister or a spokesperson is taking a press meet. Better always to convince the dignitaries to conduct digital press conference with questions from journalist taken up live. While sitting in a press conference try to sit leaving two seats vacant between two people or maintain a steady distance.
After returning from outside always wash your hands with soaps or and duly sanitized it and remove your clothes immediately and take a bath. Wash your clothes in hot water and soak in disinfectant. Keep a pair of shoes outside your home as spare and use it when you return home and wash the other one you have already used it.Also disinfect your key rings, purse, comb, key chain, notebooks, pen etc. and keep them near the entrance. Don’t go near to children and old age family members.
Always avoid clip-on mics to avoid physical contact and to maintain appropriate distance, rather always use directional mics a much as you can hold it from distance. While using public transport, use sanitizer on your hands as soon as you get off and if you have the access to water then, wash your hand with soap. Do not ever try to touch your face without sanitizing your hand. Try to stick to locally sources well cooked food while on assignment.
Take a time out to have some snack or fruit, better try to have a healthy diet and do not skip meals. Always consider wearing a mask in your office or outside. While put out your mask never touch the mask itself rather you try to have a new mask with every travel you are making on day to day basis. Always prefer to use N95 mask or home-made mask. Always maintain hygiene in your workstations and in your office. Sanitize surfaces twice a day with disinfectant. All laptops, desktops, machines and surfaces should be disinfected.
Have a disinfectant at the entrance for the office staff and visitors. For pregnant women and elderly people always prefer to work from home. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and after using the tissues, throw the same in the trash. Immediately wash your hand or use a sanitizer at least 60% with alcohol. These are some basic guidelines for journalist to follow which will help them and the family members live a corona free life.
#Press release