Rumunda Women Empowered Income from Jaggery Ghur

Paralakhemundi:A rare initiative by Odisha Livelihood Mission(OLM) through Mission Shakti to empower women SHG of Rumunda of RUdayagiri block of Gajapati district. Matrumangal SHG members taken their rare task to prepare ghur from Jaggery fruits. Generally in tribal area they collect liquid as liquor from Jaggery,but orientation support from OLM helped towards income generation among those tribal women. So far they processed 100 pieces of ghur which earlier they sold @ Rs. 20 & now selling @Rs.50.That initiatives could help on their off-farm activities & sound economic empowerment. President & Secretary of the group Panchami Raika & Kumari Mandal respectively,said that ICDS staff could sensitize us through OLM & brought our livelihood changes. We were earlier on habit of making liquor but our roadmap changed now. We are thankful to district administration to support us. We will continue the same business & also ensure all care on education & health too of our children”. That also strengthening their bond as unity among one another. Formed with 12 members in SHG started with savings & from 2019 they carried forward for Jaggery ghur preparations.