Suresh Kar,Odishabarta
JAJPUR,(Bari):To aware and communicate awareness among the rural people against Corona Virus RSS Bari unit celebrated the National New year celebration in a different ways. They distributed Mask and Sanitisers at each and evry one door step.
The members following the guideline adopted by Government of Odisha make aware the villagers about rules of lock down and what they need to follow during the period. People should kept the distances with each other’s and to use the mask,
Two members in a separate group had visited the rural areas of Bari block and distributed Masks to the people and aware on Corona, requested them not to out from home and support the Government instruction strictly.
In this regards they had requested them to obey of the Both Prime minister of our country and the chief minister of our state Request .They always thinking for us and if we think for our nation then we sure this corona will go away from our country.
RSS workers Sj. Mahesh Tripathy and Asutosh Parida had given their pleasures in the program. Besides them Sangram Pallai , Susanata Sahoo , Bipin Panda, Deepak Bhardwaj the soldiers of RSS were Present in the drive as per information.