Round the Clock CUG Phones at Police Stations is Mandatory, Satyabrata Bhoi, IGP (S.R).

Manoj kanta Dash,Odishabarta
BERHAMPUR: In an attempt to make police more responsible, effective accountable and people-friendly, special mobile phone numbers have been provided to all police stations in all Police districts
During a discussion with Mr Satyabrata Bhoi,IPS, I.G.P (S.R) he said the Closed User Group (CUG) phone numbers have been made operational since December 2016 basis in the strength of Odisha Police Head Quarter.
A move came after when it was complained by various sector of people randomly complained that “They are not Getting Inspector – in Charge of some police stations over Phone even after repeated calls”(?).
On his official table IGP said last year my official instruction been issued to all Officer of PSs’ that not a single call should be No Answer round the clock yes, in worst cases if the IIC didn’t responded directly or they are pre occupied with some emergency work, law and. order or out of station on official duty they should handover the CUG Phone to any responsible officer of the Police stations. Al the calls are emergency as well as important for police. So, all calls should be responded with proper manner, failing which disciplinary action shall be taken against them as deemed fit as per the guideline. If it came to my notice or to the notice of SP.
Notably, from various reliable source it came to our notice that the public acuity is factually iIt works for many months promptly but last couple of days again the same trend has developed the Calls from elected Representatives, Social activist,Media,Advocates ,“Aaam Admi” and Senior Citizens to the mobile numbers and landline phones at police stations Knowingly/Un Knowingly not attended with some Police stations especially in Berhampur and Maximum in Ganjam Police districts(?).
Bhoi said. Officers also informed in maximum instance suppose our officer received the call, the Caller not disclosing his identity nature of Complaint which the caller is bound to tell all in detail otherwise Police is Helpless. If the caller is honestly calling to Police stations to CUG or Landline phone our concern officer will record all the information in a Complaint register.