Road Destroyed Affects Maternity Care Women

Paralakhemundi- Huge amount like bubbles pouched for all infrastructures development but still a hue & cry found,where communication disrupted. Planning & practical development has a great variance. Due to lack of good road & lack of bridge over passing stream turmoiling those students to go regular to school. In damp mud they have to cross road & difficult to attend classes.Water filled drain tensed to cross on regular communications. At Karchabadi panchayat of Mohana block connecting Budhapanka & Ludihueri road has such disruption scene. Tribal communities facing huddles to cross road. Students studying at AKhajuripada & Kandhaadava facing difficulties due to water logged mixed mud.For 3 kms indeed a hazardous walk for them.Not to tell about maternity care women pathetic story which still crucial.Neither administration has sympathy nor newly elected representatives so serious on their such precarious conditions.