BERHAMPUR/PURI: On Tuesday, Basis on the strength of search warrant by the order of Spl. Judge, Vigilance, Berhampur in M. C. No.07/2020.the vigilance officers of Berhampur Division raided multiple locations for possessing assets disproportionate to her known income sources.
Raids were conducted at Namita’s residential property at Laxmi Nrusingha Nagar, 1st lane, Berhampur, Another house in the same lane, the house at Ganesh Nagar, 4th lane in Berhampur, two apartments at Bhubaneswar, and her relative’s house at Dalua Street in Berhampur based on the search warrant issued by Special Judge, Vigilance, Berhampur.The vigilance teams trace the movable/ immovable assets possessed by Smt. Dalai and her family members.
Immovable Assets:-Cost of Residential triple storied building of Smt. Namita Dalai, W/o Late Manoranjan Dalai, Anganawadi Worker, Mangalbaram Petta-II, Ganesh Nagar, Old Berhampur, situated at Laxmi Nrushingha Sahi, 1st Lane, Harakhandi, Berhampur measuring area 1404 Sqft. in Bhubaneswar Sahar Mouza vide RSD No.11081504924 dtd.29.05.2015,of Rs.83,44,348/-, Cost of residential double storied building stands in the name of Smt. Namita Dalai situated at Laxmi Nrushingha Sahi, 1st Lane, Harakhandi, Berhampur. Rs. 22,13,400/- , Cost of residential building stands in the name of Soumyaranjan Dalai, S/o Smt. Namita Dalai situated at Ganesh Nagar, Berhampur, vide Khata No. 243/7133, Plot No.652/3151, measuring A0.004 decimal in Madhusadan- Mouza under Berhampur-Town vide Regd. No.10611803583 dtd. 04.06.2018. Rs.11,63,088/-, Cost of residential 2 BHK Flat No.2 Ground floor at Shree Enclave, Goutam Nagar near BMC, Bhubaneswar stands in the name of SO Smt. Namita Dalai vide RSD No.11081504924 dtd.29.05.2015, measuring area 1404 Sqft. in Bhubaneswar Sahar-Mouza, Bhubaneswar including Interior decoration, Rs. 45,21,800/-, Cost of residential Flat No.5/A4-04 stands in the name of Smt. Namita Dalai situated at 5th Floor Block-A4 of Hi-Tech Plaza, Sundarpada, Bhubaneswar vide RSD No.11121803371 dtd.20.07.2018, measuring area 1160 Madhipur, Mouza under Jatni Sub- Registrar, Dist- Khurda including Interior decoration, Rs. 27,68,000/- , Cost of one residential building stands in the name of Smt. Namita Dalai situated at Laxmi Nrushingha Sahi, 12thLane, Berhampur, Rs. 5,28,200/-,Cost of one plot measuring A0.0015 decimal in Sorala Mouza under Berhampur Kanisi Tahasil and Berhampur-II, Sub- Registrar vide Khata No.173, Plot No.1390 purchased in the name of the S.O. Smt. Namita Dalai vide Regd. No.10601206805 dtd. 28.06.2012, Rs. 1,800/- Total Rs. Rs.1, 95, 40,636/-.
Movable Assets:- Household articles Rs. 3,00,350/-,Cost of Indigo ECS LX TDI Car bearing Regd. No:-OD-07-M-3527 in the name of the S.O Smt. Namita Dalai purchased on 08.04.2016. Rs. 6,19,746/-,Cost of one Hero Maestro Scooty Motor Cycle bearing Regd. No.OD-07B-7911 stands in the name of SO Smt. Namita Dalai.Rs.49,614/-,Cost of one Chatua Machine,Rs.4,70,000/-,Hard cash,Rs.2,872/-, Gold & Silver ornaments,Rs. 3,34,353/- ,Deposits in different Banks in the name of SO and son.,Rs. 12,79,076/-,Total:Rs.30,56,011/-Grand Total both Immovable & Movable assets Rs.2,25,96,647/-.

Again on Wednesday another Anganwadi worker, properties search by Vigilance officers of Puri. They conducted simultaneous searches at the property of Sandhyarani,Anganwadi worker, Akshayadham Anganawari Center, Baselisahi in Puri over allegations of accumulating assets disproportionate to her known sources of income. Vigilance officers carried out searches at houses in Puri town. Besides, the Vigilance sleuths are carrying out searches at seven places.
On the strength of search warrant issued by Spl. Judge Vigilance, Bhubaneswar vide Misc case No.18/2020 search is conducted in the following places against Smt, Sandhyarani Bhatta, w/o.Pravat Mishra of village Hatasahi, Bantalasingh,under Pipili PS limit,Puri.
Sandhyarani, working as Anganawari Worker at Akshayadham Anganawari Center, Baselisahi, Puri.The residential house of her father where SO and her family are staying, in the asbestos roofed house located at Akshaya Dham Fish market, Baselisahi,in the asbestos roofed house constructed over plot no.2411, Khatami no 2656, Samanta, PS:Sadar,Triple storied building at Hatisal, Lokanath Road, ps. Basalisahi,in the single storied building located at her in- laws house located at Hatasahi, Bantalasingh, PS:Pipili,in the Office of her husband Pravat Mishra located at the O/o.Asst Fishery Officer, Delaware, Puri and the Anganawari Center located at Akshayadham Center, Baselisahi, Puri.The Search is underway.