Retorted against Offense to Saint Dalai Lama

Bhagabat Padhi,Odishabarta
Paralakhemundi- Few days back on social media version against Saint Dalai Lama head of Tibetan community.
So those community residing at Chandragiri raised their voices against such version on their chief. At their settlement office on a press meet those members of community retorted against such deregotary act. Dalai Lama with smile kissed a boy. That video got viral & trend as offence to their Saint. Among Tibetans this dispersed strong reactions which they feel illicit motive of China. So they unitedly opposed such hynious & barbarism action & roared to tender open apology.On such get together Principal of Tibetan Central School Sandup Durje, Tenjin Yanji, Subhashree Senapati,Tibetan Women Adviser Sering Yanjum, President Kunga, Representative Pema Thandhup, Guruji of Budha Temple Khenpo Pema Temple & members of RSS Ashok Ranjit expressed their strong anger on such aghast action. Later on a mass rally moved Chandragiri market to acknowledge their woes to public.