Renovation of Ponds yet to be Completed

Paralakhemundi: Renovations of ponds of Paralakhemundi yet be completed. Though works of Sankuri Pond & Patnaik tank started yet not completed. More than 1 crore expensed still not meeting any purposes. For which corruptions behind works nurtured. Though 1.60 crores streamed & again on “Mo Pokhari” scheme again renovations will be started said Executive Officer of Paralakhemundi Municipality. As an oldest Municipality since 1885,drains water extractions done during king dynasty times.
Even rain water extractions well made by Parala Maharaja with various passages through drains. On rainy season water inserted into Sankuri pond & excess water gone to nearest pond. That was helping as ground water discharge. Plan made by Maharaja Krushnachandra Gajapati. Various schemes diluted with 34 lakhs for Sankuri pond & for Patnain pond 33 lakhs,for beautifications & entertainment parks such huge amounts could not pacify reality of works.Instead of quality works hobnobbed more corruptions in both tanks constructions. Bushes & thorns surrounded at both ponds. Joint connection of both ponds seem a drastic scene.
On reaction Natabar Garada, Executive Officer said on coming days priorities will be given in both the ponds. Public looking mum on crossed hand by seeing pitiable conditions of half constructed works yet not hopeful.