Religious Shrines Renovation Aid for Gajapati

Paralakhemundi-On his last visit of 5T Secretary VK.Pandiyan various temples,churches & maszids for development in various blocks of Gajapati district sanctioned an amount of above 18 crores.
For Paralakhemundi Municipal area 1.10 crores, for Gosani block 1.55 crores,for Gumma block, 1.33 crores for Kashinagar block 1.40 crores,for Kashinagar NAC 60 lakhs,for RUdayagiri block 2.38 crores, for Rayagada block 2.98 crores,for Mohana block 4.35 crores, for Nuagada block 2.79 crores sanctioned.Overall 18.45 crores sanctioned for renovations of those shrines.At a party meeting of BJD, the leaders & locals acknowledged 5T Secretary for his great gestures. Among those present ZP President GTRao, President of district BJD Jagabandhu Dash, Chairperson of Paralakhemundi Municipal Council Nirmala Sethy & other members to acknowledge great gestures of 5T Secretary.