Red Cross Activist’s Help to Distressed Old Lady


SUNABEDA: 03/05/2021: The life of housemaids in our country is very difficult. Their plight becomes horrible if they are single lady. Ms. Baidi Bagh of Ganjam Colony, Sunabeda is a burning example of such sufferings. Baidi is an unmarried lady , aged about 50, used to work as an housemaid in HAL Township, now leading a distressed life. Due to paralytic attack, she is unable to stand or walk. Her elder sister is kind enough to give her shelter in her varandah. When the matter was brought to the knowledge of Red Cross Activists Shaheda Parween and Shaik Ibrahim, they met Baidi and her sister and enquired about their well-being and handed over two packets of large size”Huggies” and some food stuff to Baidi. As they came to know that Baidi is not getting any Govt benefits because she does not have Aadhar card/ Voter ID /Ration card, they have requested Sunabeda Municipality authority to look in to the matter and help the distressed old lady.