Recommendations on C-20 Side Event on Financial Empowerment & Sustainable Development

Paralakhemundi- Organized by CCD an NGO on G-20 for upliftment of physically handicapped persons to empower their financial & sustainable development under G-20 of C-20 event.Samarth the associate organization of CCD & supported by Odisha Bikalanga Mancha & presided by Niranjan Behera. Among others AJagannath Raju Secretary of CCD, Convenor of OLM Sibani Panigrahi, PHEO of Gurandi Mamata Padhi & district Secretary of Samarth Santosh Maharana shared on dias. To upgrade livelihoods for underprivileged sector recommendations through C-20 under G-20 will be more benefitted. Where Sight Savers India of Bhubaneswar is the stakeholder for mediating G-20 action forum. Disability may be a physically challenged but on normalcy they can live with equality like others. Some grave issues of physically handicapped persons discussed on this meeting.